TR-Therapy - TECAR

TECAR therapy uses radiofrequency currents that penetrate the tissue and transform into heat, resulting in pain relief, myorelaxation, increased local blood circulation and reduced edema.

The procedure promotes muscle regeneration and pain relief through a unique combination of massage elements with a pleasant warming sensation provided by radiofrequency currents.

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It allows conventional therapies with a single applicator, muscle training with static application or creative sessions with bipolar application (using two applicators). The procedure also allows athermal treatment suitable for post-traumatic edema and hematoma.

BTL-6000 radiofrequency therapy transfers high-frequency electromagnetic current through all tissues of the body and creates a good localization of the thermal effect in the tissue.

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Chronic back pain

Muscle regeneration

Post-traumatic edema

Myofascial syndrome

Muscle spasms and hypertonus

Pain relief

The main effect of radiofrequency therapy is pain reduction, which is the result of muscle relaxation, edema reduction, tissue regeneration and healing.

Tissue regeneration and healing

Improved tissue metabolism is a natural side effect of therapy. This leads to faster healing of the affected tissue and rapid resorption of post-traumatic hematomas.

Reducing edema

The arteriole walls are widened and the precapillary sphincters are relaxed, allowing increased local blood flow. This leads to an increase in the lymphatic process (drainage) and, subsequently, to a reduction in edema.

Muscle relaxation

Radiofrequency therapy on hypertonic muscle produces immediate muscle relaxation. The myorelaxation effect is mainly based on vasodilation, which occurs during the therapy and favors increased nutrient supply to the tissue.

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