Special recovery for athletes
Your dedication to your sport is admirable. Now you're probably suffering from an unfortunate event.
We're here to help you get back to training as soon as possible, in your best shape.
Let's start now
We relieve pain
Before moving on to treatment, we need to know what's going on. Sports injuries require a thorough diagnosis, and sometimes this means the help of a specialist or an MRI scan.
Once we know the problem, we can work to relieve the pain with early intervention strategies.

Restoring strength
In the case of impact injuries - broken bones, stretched ligaments and so on - the restoration phase aims to specifically guide the healing time.
For overuse injuries, such as tennis elbow, hip pain or chronic knee pain, we will examine the mechanics of the movement and correct technique.

We guarantee performance
In the case of sports injuries, it's about putting your performance program into practice.
You will learn to build muscle strength and endurance, improve flexibility and work slowly through functional movements under the careful guidance of our specialists.
We're here to help you achieve peak performance.
Where are you at now?
Fresh lesion
You want to get back to training as soon as possible. It's understandable, you don't want to lose the hard work you've put in so far.
Let us help you recover in time.
Together with a team of specialists we will help you start your recovery process early.
At the moment the pain has stopped all training. Now, it's all about getting your pain away.
Let us give you the care you need right now.
We start with a thorough consultation and a proper diagnosis. We then develop a personalized treatment plan, based on which we will improve your physical condition and lifestyle.
The pain is under control, but now it's as if you've lost your core strength and pre-accident abilities.
Let us restore your core strength.
Physiokinesiotherapy procedures will help you to do this and will build the right technique to ensure that you avoid problems recurring in the future.
You only have one stage left and you'll be able to return to training without any problems.
Let us deliver the level of performance you want.
Physiotherapy and hydrokinetotherapy sessions will increase your stamina and reduce the risk of further injury. This gives your body the best chance of getting back to its best shape.
* Each experience is unique and should be carefully evaluated by a specialist. This page is intended to give you the general information you need, but it does not exclude or substitute a visit and consultation with a medical specialist.
Want to get back to training as soon as possible?
We are your support during this time.